Can you imagine your dog at your side or your cat in your lap while you mediate from the comfort and security of your home or office? We can.
Since the onset of Covid-19, Positive Solutions Group has made that possibility a reality by mediating virtually via Zoom. At first virtual mediation was a necessity as the pandemic did not allow mediating safely when physically together. Now virtual mediation has become a boon to the mediation process—a positive solution to the Covid-19 era issue that now allows us to mediate even when we cannot, or prefer to not, mediate physically together.
We learned there are advantages mediating at a distance including:
- Geography no longer an issue
- Reduces the negative effects of “button pushing”
- No travel time to reach, and return from, the mediation site;
- No problem finding a parking place;
- Able to mediate from familiar surroundings in your favorite chair with pets, temperature control, favorite refreshments; and
- The option of wearing pajama pants.
Because of Covid we can now offer you a choice. You can mediate with the other party physically present or you can mediate while alone in your home or office.
Want to know more? Give us a call!