What is Mediation?

The MEDIATION process is very simple. But while simple, the fact that more than 80% of mediations end disputes successfully proves a process does not have to be complex, hard to understand and expensive to work.

MEDIATION brings the parties in dispute together to:

  • Explore the facts in a manner that ensures both parties are understood,
  • Determine exactly what the problem(s) is between them and
  • Develop solutions fair to all parties

How a Mediator Helps You

A mediator is a person with no stake in the outcome of the dispute. The mediator joins the parties  at the table to guide and assist them through the mediation process.

The MEDIATOR is trained and experienced in helping parties work through their issues to reach an agreement. This person serves as a facilitator, coach and referee.

A Lawyer May Come With You to Mediation

“More than 80% of mediations end disputes successfully.”

The parties may be accompanied by their attorneys in mediation.

A Mediation Agreement is a Contract

The Agreement reached in Mediation is a contract enforceable in a court of law.

A Mediation May be Virtual or in Person

There are advantages to mediating virtually such as mediating from in the comfort of your home, elimination of geographic and travel time constraints and not being in the same room with “that person.” Learn more about virtual mediation here.

Significant Benefits Result from Using Mediation!

There are significant BENEFITS OF MEDIATION that make using it most valuable. Mediation is:

What is Mediation?

FAST: Many disputes are successfully mediated in less than 3 hours. Mediation can begin as soon as the parties set at date to meet.

ECONOMICAL: Being able to reach an agreement quickly saves you time (that otherwise could be spent gainfully) and your lawyer’s time and fees and court costs.

CONTROL: You and the other party are in control instead of the court. This significantly reduces the risk element that exists in having the judge decide for you.

YOU DECIDE: Each party becomes the judge and decider of the other party’s case. This, of course, is strong incentive for the parties to work cooperatively together.

CREATIVE: While the remedies a court can provide are limited by case and statutory law, solutions to issues in mediation are limited only by the parties’ imaginations.

CONFIDENTIAL: Everything said in Mediation remains confidential. In contrast, all that is said in court is public.

“In mediation relationships issues are addressed-often with results pleasing to all parties.”

RELATIONSHIPS CAN BE PRESERVED: The other party may have been a friend, family member, colleague, valued customer or vendor. Resolution of a conflict in the judicial system does nothing with regard to what may be a most valuable relationship. In mediation relationship issues may be addressed—often with results pleasing to all parties.

AGREEMENT: As mentioned above any Agreement reached in Mediation is enforceable in a court of law.

What if Your Conflict is not Resolved in Mediation?

Even if you dispute is not resolved, there is a very good chance the issues involved in the conflict will be reduced to one or two key issues. This will help expedite resolution in the judicial system.

If your case is one of the 20% of mediations that do not end in an Agreement, you can still take your case to court.

“…declarations of fixed opinions and of resolutions to never change them neither enlighten nor convince — positiveness and warmth beget the same reactions from others and tend to promote harmony and union which are extremely necessary to our councils.”